Tuesday 4 October 2016

Pathology (2008)

A medical student, Teddy (Heroes' Milo Ventimiglia) is accepted onto the nations leading forensic pathology program.

He is quickly inducted into a secret society of some of the class' leading students; a society who exist to test their skills with a game.

The game is simple; each member, in turn, tries to create the perfect, untraceable, murder; Then they put it into practice, and the other players must try to determine a cause of death. 

It's an interesting idea, and initially the concept is well implemented; but once the students are revealed not to preform the "game" autopsies in class, rather secretly in a disused hospital basement, I was left with more questions than answers as plot-hole after plot-hole appeared, turning an otherwise watchable movie into a cinematic colander. Not just logistics plot holes; some parts of the movie (most especially, but not only, the climax) relied of characters suddenly behaving either drastically different to the person we have seen so far in the movie, or just not how human being react period.

There's also the problem of the way assholes in the secrete society are portrayed; The film-makers have fallen into the trap of over-egging how bad they are as people. It isn't enough that they murder people for sport to satisfy an intellectual curiosity; they also have to be unfaithful in love, sexual deviants, who bully their class mates and smoke crack.

It looks good, with some blue colour-correction making the hospital interiors look nicely foreboding, and the acting is for the most part not terrible, and if you can over-look the plot holes and clichés it's a reasonable way to kill some time... but it's far too problematic to slap a "recommend" on.

If you look through the archives, you'll see that I've been using "Bought from Poundland" as a tag since at least 2011.

In March 2014 I took a part time job at Poundland.

In accordance with the companies social media policy, in September 2014 I contacted Poundland's social media team to check that I would be okay to carry on with my plan to use the "bought from Poundland" tag.

I have been given the go-ahead on condition that I make the following clear:

All the reviews on this blog are entirely the opinion of Will Tingle, the reviews are not endorsed by Poundland in any way and (as should be obvious from some of the more scathing ones) are certainly not reviews I have been paid to write.

In short: The views expressed in this blog are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Poundland or it's owners, shareholders, or  management.

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