Saturday 8 October 2016

The Haunted Pumpkin of Sleepy Hollow (2003)

In the town of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving's original manuscript for The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow is stolen from the museum; in the chase, the burglars hide the manuscript in a wild growing pumpkin.
Meanwhile Nick Crane (a descendent of the man Irving's hero is based on) and his friend Kate are planning a haunted house attraction for their school.... And they just happen to pick the same pumpkin.
To make matters worse, on Halloween Eve, all ghosts may roam the earth... Including the headless horseman... and the pumpkin just happens to be a magical one; one that will allow the horseman to become flesh if he places it in his head at exactly midnight.
Assisted by the ghost of a civil war hero, Nick and Kate must keep the pumpkin away from not only the horseman, but also the bumbling burglars. 

The plot may be convoluted, but this 2003 TV special is actually a lot of fun. 

There's nothing here that stands out as remarkable, but it's solid enough, and reminds me of the Saturday morning cartoons I used to watch as a kid. The only real negative are the musical numbers, which go on too long, and don't advance the plot; they're just cutaway music videos. That said, the movie's main theme is surprisingly catchy. 

There's not a lot here for adults, hence the short review, but I would definitely recommend this to anyone with children. 

If you look through the archives, you'll see that I've been using "Bought from Poundland" as a tag since at least 2011.

At the end of October 2013 I decided that all of my 2014 movies would be purchased from Poundland, and began buying up horror movies, to ensure I would have enough come October 2014.

In March 2014 I took a part time job at Poundland.

In accordance with the companies social media policy, in September 2014 I contacted Poundland's social media team to check that I would be okay to carry on with my plan to use the "bought from Poundland" tag.

I have been given the go-ahead on condition that I make the following clear:

All the reviews on this blog are entirely the opinion of Will Tingle, the reviews are not endorsed by Poundland in any way and (as should be obvious from some of the more scathing ones) are certainly not reviews I have been paid to write.

In short: The views expressed in this blog are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Poundland or it's owners, shareholders, or  management.

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