Friday 7 October 2011


Filmed on a camcorder, and with a reported budget of £45, It's hard to rag on what is essentially an amateur project that managed to get a commercial release. It's kind of like seeing that a 3 year old has written a four page story in complete sentences, then busting their chops for sloppy handwriting!

That said, there is no excuse for this amount of shaky-cam, especially when the movie is not of the found footage or mockumentary type... even consumer cameras have a decent anti-shake these days!

What makes this film stand out though (apart from the budget) is the point of view it is told from. Your standard post-Romero zombie flick will follow a survivor, or band of survivors as they face off with, and / or escape from and / or hide from countless zombies during the Zombie Apocolypse. The film makers here have chosen to start the film with our hero succumbing to the Zombie Virus, then to follow him as he staggers the street, encountering different types of survivors.

In theory, it;s a great idea, but in practice, it serve to demonstrate why these things are usually done the other way around; I never really cared about Colin, but I did find myself wanting to know more about some of the survivors (in particular the guy who seems to keep an army of eyeless zombies captive, in order to feed humans to them for his sick entertainment)  but we never spend long enough with any of them.

The effects are decent, and it has it's shortcomings (one stand-out was that the aforementioned eyeless zombies stayed hidden untill the guy who collected them left the room) but I'm not about to start kicking the puppy.

You can pick this up from Poundland, and it's worth a look.


  1. Ive always managed to miss this one when its on TV or catch it halfway through so I turned off as I wanted to see it. Won't rush out to get hold of it from what youre saying, but if I see it in £land, I'll give it a go.

  2. I didn't know it had been on TV - Horror channel I assume? I cant imagine anyone else showing a movie recorder on a camcorder...
