Wednesday 27 October 2010

Demon Under Glass

Another non-horror movie - but this one I didn't see coming...

I remember reading about this one when it first came out - our local newsagent used to stock some American magazines back then, including Fangoria, and IIIRC 'Demon Under Glass' was the cover story one issue.

The basic plot can be summed up as: A government department catches a vampire, and experiments on it.

So, about a Vampire, featured in Fango, must be horror, right?

Oddly, no. 'Horror' elements are very thin on the ground here, to Te extent of being virtually non existent; what we actually have is a character piece, that probably fits the SF label better than the horror one.

I'm fairly sure no one is still reading these reviews: bingy bongy boogy bong!

The interest comes from the various moral questions that the doctors running the experiment are faced with: Are Vampires 'evil', or just part of nature?, is a Vampire feeding on a human any worse than a lion feeding on a Gazelle?, is it okay to do experiments on a vampire? Even if it means causing pain to another sentient being?

So, it was interesting, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it's October dammit - and I wanted horror!!!

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