Wednesday 13 October 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

I LOVE the original NOES movies, and, for some reason, the idea of a remake appealed to me, so I was gutted when I didn't get to see it on the big scream earlier this year. I did however, avaoid reviewes, so that when I did see it, I could "go in cold".

Or so I thought - but then every thought I had about the movie seemed familiar to me, and after I watched it I checked out the review over at "Horror-movie-a-day" and I'd basically been re-writing BCs review in my head, so either he thinks exactly like I do, or at some point I read the review and then filed it away in my subconscious...

It's never a good sign when a movie's opening credits annoy you is it? in the case of NOES2k10, it was that the credits were done quite interestingly - scratched in rough handwriting over various surfaces, but then the effect has been completely ruined by someone who thought it would be a good idea to type them out in Times New Roman too - then super impose them directly over the cool credits, so that you cant actually see the arty ones any more - WTF?

They also play around with the mythos, which I don't mind if it's well done (in fact, if you aren't going to change some stuff, why bother with a remake) but when you change Freddy from a child KILLER (with the implication of molestation) to a child MOLESTER (but definitely NOT killer) doesn't it render his Glove kind of redundant? point of fact, wouldn't wearing knives on your hand be a great way to get yourself caught if you were kiddy fiddling?

The original's key scenes are present and correct (Nancy's best friend in a bloody body bag? Check, claw from the bath? Check, Boiler room? Check) but some of them feel a bit shoehorned in - and one in particular (Freddy pushing through the wall above Nancy's bed) was done better in 1984 with a few yards of spandex, than it way 26 years later in CGI...

Another thing that really annoyed me was the number of times certain characters dreamed and lived to talk about it - with very few exceptions a dream about Kruger should be a death sentence, and people simply waking-up in the middle of one seems to de-fang him a bit (as does the fact that he now looks like Lord Vouldermort and talks like a retard) .

So, did I hate it? - no, actually.

It's not without its faults, but its a fun way to kill a couple of hours, and the ending (Freddy's defeat, not the actual end of the movie) is IMHO much better than the original. I just wish that a) it had been scarier, and b) it hadn't scuppered the plans for the Englund-staring NOES prequel.

Oh, and it's quite pivotal to the plot that you buy into the idea that no-one remembers being five years old...

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