Sunday 11 October 2009

Night Of The Living Dead

In 2009, I didn't review movies, so much as briefly recomend a few via my Facebook account, This was one of them...

Back in 1968 when it was released, in order to claim copyright on a film, the copyright had to be stated on screen; As was usually the case, George A. Romero's movie 'Night of the Flesh Eaters' claimed the copyright on its title card. When the studio re-named it to the now familiar 'Night of the Living Dead', they didn't put the notice on the new title card.

The result of this is that the most famous Zombie movie of all time is in the public domain.

Therefore, even though you've probably already seen it, I'm including Romero's seminal classic in my Halloween recommendations anyway because you can actually watch it for FREE (legally I mean, not by downloading vuse and going somewhere dodgy like - Rather than a trailer, or purchase page, the link below will let you stream the entire movie, or download it to you hard drive - Huzzah.

As far as a review goes, While I could go on about some of the shocking imagery (The basement - you'll see what I mean), the social satire, the bravery off casing a black lead in 1968 (not a political choice as it happens - much to the disappointment of film student's everywhere; Jones just happened to give the best audition), the fact that it influenced nearly every Zombie movie that follows, or the just-damn-coolness of zombies, I won't - when you can get a film for free, reviews seem a little redundant...

Watch Below, or download or watch bigger HERE

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