Wednesday 7 October 2009

Eden Lake

In 2009, I didn't review movies, so much as briefly recomend a few via my Facebook account, This was one of them...

Okay, so strictly speaking, 'Eden Lake' is a thriller, not a horror - But I'm willing to bend the rules a little here, as the film is, without question, designed to invoke terror in the viewer.

Uncomfortable, if not downright unpleasant to watch, 'Eden Lake' is by no means a "fun" movie. The plot is a simple one - a couple go out to an idyllic spot near a reservoir for a camping trick, only to find that the part of the beach they have chosen is a favourite hangout of a bunch of ASBO kids. Rather than just find a new spot of beach, the couple decide to stand their ground and stand up to the hoodies - who retaliate with horrific and brutal consequences.

Terrifyingly close to Britain circa 2009 (assuming the 'Daily Mail' is to be believed [1]),

‘Eden Lake’ is as much an endurance test as it is a movie, but it remains compelling and manages never to cross the line into pointless torture porn – indeed, like any good thrill ride, more time is spent waiting for the next big drop, than is spent falling.

[1] Which, as we know, it isn't

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