Saturday 6 October 2012


While a group of well-to-do 20-something are holding a get-together to welcome a new member, the conversation turns to fears.
The host announces that he has prepared a "skit" to demonstrate his fear, and asks everyone to leave while he sets everything up.
On returning, the group are terrorised by someone in an old-lady dress and novelty-store old lady mask.

It's dull, badly acted, and shot (poorly) on video and hangs around a "twist" which manages to be predictable AND make no real sense.

There isn't really anything I can say about what this one did wrong, without blowing the "twist" so, in keeping with my self imposed spoiler rules, I'll say nothing about the films negatives.

Here is a full list of the films positive points in alphabetical order:

  • At one hour including the credits and trailer (which for some reason plays after the credits) it was short.


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